Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hey Friends,

Just thought I check on all my Blogger people...
I haven't heard a word from some of you since last year.

So, what's up with you these days?
What are you doing for 2007?
Did you make any new years resolutions?
Did you start a business or schooling?

I got up early today to check on my blogs and emails and to update my T-Shirt site. It seems that I'm always trying to get ready for another Holiday.

This year my resolutions are to diversify myself and be involved in a lot of different things and I promised myself I'd read more books.
I figure if I keep busy when one business is not doing good or has a slow season, I'll investing time in something else. I have lots of interests and I plan to put all of them to use this year. Sounds like a good plan, I'll see how it works.

I plan to do a lots of networking as well. I've got a few Girlfriends that have businesses and we plan to combine our efforts and see what we come up with this year. As they say two brains are better that none. Right!

Well, I've got to get back to my things to do list,
it's getting longer by the minute.

Valentine's day will be here before you know it, I've got to get ready.

Have a gr8 Day.


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