Thursday, January 18, 2007

Valentine's Day Book Tote Bag is ready!!!

Hi to All,

Hope Everyone is doing gr8.

I just finished my Valentine's Day T-shirt, Gift and Tote Bag designs, for my CafePress online shop. I've titled it, So N Love.

There is also an Anti-Valentine's Day contest.
My entry is called "Unhappy Valentine's Day".
If you know someone that's not into the hearts and flowers, this may be just the gift for them.
Plus this Tote Bag, for the Book Lovers you know and Love.

I know it only January, but these holidays really seem to come fast, and this is one holiday you don't want to be caught empty handed.

So, Shop early and avoid the s t r e s s!

P.S. I also added some new books for you to enjoy.

Have a great day.


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