Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Not Enough hours in "My" day

Time Flies, there are just not enough hours in my day.

I know I promised to keep this blog current, but I've been busy working on new "Sayings" to put on my Tote bags and T-shirts in my online store. I don't know how some people do it, I think their working with a 48 hour clock in stead of 24. I just can't seem to get it all done in one day. I've read alot of those time management books and tried some of their suggestions. But at the end of the day my "things to do list" still has item left over, which means, I'm already be behind when I wake up.
I wish some of this stuff could get done while I'm sleeping.
I'm glad I finished my Unhappy Valentine's Day design last month.
I'm going to skip the next few holidays and start working on Easter.
Since I'm not an artist, I'll just need to come up with a few catchie saying to put on a tote bag for Easter. I just had a great thought, how about having an Easter Book Hunt. Each Child would get a Tote Bag and a Book list, they'd go to the Local Library and search for books. To make it difficult, they must do it without using the computer to look them up. Of course it would be timed, and the one with the most books at the end WINS!!! I'd rather seach for books, than eggs anyway.
Well I've got to get back to my list of things to do, it almost bedtime.
I checked out a book from the Library the other day and I hope I can read a few pages before I fall asleep.


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