Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Oprah's Book Club is back!

Hey Book Lovers,

Have you heard the news?
I read in the newspaper yesterday that Oprah's book club is coming back.
Since I'm all for reading, I was very excited to find out that the first book will be announced on this Friday's show.
I have collected a few of her past book recommendation and put them into,
my online bookstore. I wish I could say that I've read them all, but unfortunately, time just doesn't permit me to do so. As most book readers, I have a stack of books I plan to read, but it seems that new good books just keep coming out. When I read the news about the return of the Oprah Book Club, a funny thought came to my mind.
I started thinking how great it would be if I could write a best selling book that was read by Oprah and it got chosen for her book club. Of course, that was a day dreamed that only lasted a few moments then I came back to reality...
I'm sure you've noticed, that just about everyone that has been chosen for her list has done well. I sure wish I could be her "next big thing".
That's when I decided why not put that saying on a T-shirt it may not be a bestseller, but a few people may just see the humor in it. The T-shirt reads " I wanna B The Next Big THANG."
(Excuse the ebonics but, it gets the point across.)
So, here's my question, wouldn't you like to be the next "Big Thing?"

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Valentine's Day Book Tote Bag is ready!!!

Hi to All,

Hope Everyone is doing gr8.

I just finished my Valentine's Day T-shirt, Gift and Tote Bag designs, for my CafePress online shop. I've titled it, So N Love.

There is also an Anti-Valentine's Day contest.
My entry is called "Unhappy Valentine's Day".
If you know someone that's not into the hearts and flowers, this may be just the gift for them.
Plus this Tote Bag, for the Book Lovers you know and Love.

I know it only January, but these holidays really seem to come fast, and this is one holiday you don't want to be caught empty handed.

So, Shop early and avoid the s t r e s s!

P.S. I also added some new books for you to enjoy.

Have a great day.


Monday, January 8, 2007


I finally had an opportunity to read yesterday, not a book, the newspaper.

I read a few articles in my local Sunday paper.
I just start back with home delivery.
I found a very interesting article about Homeschooling.
My kids are all grown, but I do have a few grand kids in public schools.
My oldest Daughter has been contemplating the idea of homeschooling her two boys for the past few years. We have discussed the pros and cons of this issue many times. According to the article many parents started out teaching at home to insure that their children where being taught their Family values and beliefs.
With the growing amount of violence in the schools this has only increased the number of kids being home schooled.
The article stated that between 1999 and 2003 the percentage has rose from 1.4 to 1.8 which represented almost 900,000 children. WOW, that's a larger number than I ever imagined! They're still collecting data to see if this number will increase.
So that means a lot of kitchen tables have been turned into classrooms.
After reading the paper I started scanning my computer and found a E-book resource
for my Daughter to get books for the boys. The have story books and vocabulary lesson too. The article also mentioned there are more text books being developed each year for the home school community. This was all so fascinating to me, wish this opportunity existed when I was attending school. My main worry was about the social aspect of home schooling, but as I understand it in some homeschooling communities they have social activities for the kids to participate in.
The gr8 thing I found out in the article was there are Colleges now that are starting to accept home schooled kids, without a lot of bureaucratic red tape.
It's amazing what you can find out when you read...

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hey Friends,

Just thought I check on all my Blogger people...
I haven't heard a word from some of you since last year.

So, what's up with you these days?
What are you doing for 2007?
Did you make any new years resolutions?
Did you start a business or schooling?

I got up early today to check on my blogs and emails and to update my T-Shirt site. It seems that I'm always trying to get ready for another Holiday.

This year my resolutions are to diversify myself and be involved in a lot of different things and I promised myself I'd read more books.
I figure if I keep busy when one business is not doing good or has a slow season, I'll investing time in something else. I have lots of interests and I plan to put all of them to use this year. Sounds like a good plan, I'll see how it works.

I plan to do a lots of networking as well. I've got a few Girlfriends that have businesses and we plan to combine our efforts and see what we come up with this year. As they say two brains are better that none. Right!

Well, I've got to get back to my things to do list,
it's getting longer by the minute.

Valentine's day will be here before you know it, I've got to get ready.

Have a gr8 Day.


Monday, January 1, 2007

Eye Love 2 Read pin

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope you all had a gr8 new year. I stayed home and watched a movie, then I got up and glued myself to my computer as usual. I came up with a new design to put on pin displayed at the top of this blog. The Eye Love 2 read design may spark a conversation when worn. I have lots of Friends that are Book Lovers. This pin along with book would be a great gift idea. Nothing like starting off the New Year with a good book. I made a new years resolution to find more time to read. (Not just emails and blogs) We'll see. Have you read a good book lately? Well it's almost 3 a.m. again and I better get some sleep. Bye 4 Now

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